PhD Yassene Mohammed

Assistent Professor


Yassene is an assistant professor in bioinformatics at the Center for Proteomics and Metabolomics. He received his PhD in Medical Informatics from the University of Göttingen, Germany. His research interests are bottom-up and targeted proteomics, -omics data integration, scientific workflows, and eScience. In the past Yassene has also worked on distributed computing applications, data protection and data security, and biomedical image processing.

Since July 2013 Yassene is also heading the bioinformatics activities at the Proteomics Centre of the University of Victoria, Canada focusing on targeted proteomics bioinformatics, clinical applications of proteomics and statistical approaches for MRM and PRM analyses.



See my research page at Leiden University Medical Center

See the Center for Proteomics and Metabolomics website

See the University of Victoria Proteomics Centre website (my current second employer)

See my ORCID page 


Resources and Tools

MRMAssayDB: A Comprehensive Resource for Targeted Proteomics Assays in the Community

MouseQuaPro: Mouse Quantitative Proteomics Knowledgebase with reference protein concentration ranges in 20 mouse tissues using 5000 quantitative proteomics assays

PeptideTracker: A knowledge base for collecting and storing information on protein concentrations in biological tissues

PeptidePicker: a scientific workflow for selecting appropriate peptides for targeted proteomics experiments

Comparing results of peptide identification methods

Proteomics data decomposition tools

Cloud workflows for proteomics data analysis

Amino acid retention coefficients and modeling of peptide retention

See a list of my targeted proteomics tools at the University of Victoria



  • Proteotyping of knockout mouse strains reveals sex- and strain-specific signatures in blood plasma

    Mohammed Y, Michaud SA, Pětrošová H, Yang J, Ganguly M, Schibli D, Flenniken AM, Nutter LMJ, Adissu HA, Lloyd KCK, McKerlie C, Borchers CH

    NPJ Syst Biol Appl. 2021 May 28;7(1):25. doi: 10.1038/s41540-021-00184-8.

  • An Update on MRMAssayDB: A Comprehensive Resource for Targeted Proteomics Assays in the Community. J Proteome Res

    Bhowmick P, Roome S, Borchers CH, Goodlett DR, Mohammed Y

    Res. 2021 Apr 2;20(4):2105-2115. doi: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.0c00961. Epub 2021 Mar 8. PMID: 33683131; PMCID: PMC8041396.

  • Mouse Quantitative Proteomics Knowledgebase: reference protein concentration ranges in 20 mouse tissues using 5000 quantitative proteomics assays, Bioinformatics

    Mohammed Y, Bhowmick P, Michaud SA, Sickmann A, Borchers

    2021;, btab018,

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