Senior researcher
Dr. Rico Derks
Rico Derks studied at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam (The Netherlands) and received his M.Sc. in analytical chemistry. His Ph.D. he obtained in 2006, also at the Vrije Universiteit, working on the coupling of biochemical assays to mass spectrometry for detection and identification of bioactive compounds. After a post-doctoral position at the Department of Parasitology (LUMC, Leiden, The Netherlands) he continued as a senior researcher at the Center for Proteomics and Metabolomics (LUMC) working in the field of untargeted and targeted Metabolomics and Lipidomics.
Metabolomic and lipidomic signatures associated with activation of human cDC1 (BDCA3 + /CD141 + ) dendritic cells
Farhan Basit and Tom Oorschot and Jessie Buggenum and Rico J. E. Derks and Sarantos Kostidis and Martin Giera and I. Jolanda. M. Vries
Immunology, 2021
Single Quadrupole Multiple Fragment Ion Monitoring Quantitative Mass Spectrometry
Jingchuan Xue and Rico J. E. Derks and Bill Webb and Elizabeth M. Billings and Aries Aisporna and Martin Giera and Gary Siuzdak
Analytical Chemistry, 2021, 93, 31, 10879–10889
Stable human regulatory T cells switch to glycolysis following {TNF} receptor 2 costimulation
Sander de Kivit and Mark Mensink and Anna T. Hoekstra and Ilana Berlin and Rico J. E. Derks and Demi Both and Muhammad A. Aslam and Derk Amsen and Celia R. Berkers and Jannie Borst
Nature Metaboloism, 2, 1046–1061 (2020)