
Elena Sánchez-López is a postdoctoral researcher in the metabolomics group led by Dr. Martin Giera. She is also embedded in the framework of the Leiden Center for Computational Oncology (LCCO) where she works on applying metabolomics-related strategies to investigate hereditary melanoma (PI: Dr. Remco van Doorn) and acute myeloid leukemia (PI: Dr. Erik van den Akker). Elena’s research focuses on understanding cancer cell metabolism at the (pre-)clinical level which will help developing new approaches in early diagnosis and in targeted cancer therapy.
Elena Sánchez López obtained her PhD in Fine Chemistry (Analytical Chemistry specialty) at the University of Alcala (Spain). Her PhD dealt with the chiral and metabolomic analyses of compounds of pharmacological and bioanalytical interest using (micro)-separative techniques coupled to mass spectrometry. During her predoctoral stage, Elena carried out two research stays in the CPM to perform the metabolomic analysis of volume-limited tissue samples by means of liquid chromatography- and sheathless capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry.
Elena has a BSc in Chemistry (2012), a MSc in Fine Chemistry (2013) and a PhD in Fine Chemistry (2017) where she obtained the maximum score (excellent cum laude), all of them conducted in the University of Alcalá (Spain). In 2018 she received a prestigious Marie Sklodowska Curie - COFUND postdoctoral grant to investigate the metabolic alterations on polycystic kidney disease in Prof. Dorien Peters’ research group (Department of Human Genetics, LUMC).
She is co-autor of 30 scientific publications and 7 book chapters. She is highly involved in manuscript revision (acting as reviewer for 19 different JCR-indexed journals) and is also member of the Reviewer Board for different journals (Metabolites, Frontiers in Chemistry, and Frontiers in Nutrition). She also takes editorial tasks as guest Associate Editor (Frontiers in Chemistry).
Elena has received a total of 4 prizes at different scientific conferences including the best oral presentation for young scientist award in the 27th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis (PBA2016), held in Guangzhou (China). She has also received awards for her PhD including the Best PhD thesis in Analytical Chemistry, award granted by the Spanish Society of Analytical Chemistry, and the PhD Extraordinary Award by the University of Alcalá.
S. Bernardo-Bermejo, J. Xue, L. Hoang, E. Billings, B. Webb, W. Honders, S. Venneker, B. Heijs, M. Castro-Puyana, M.L. Marina, E.B. van den Akker, M. Griffioen, G. Siuzdak, M. Giera, E. Sánchez-López.
Nature Protocols, 18, 2023, 1296-1315
Sánchez-López, E., Kammeijer, G., Crego, A.L., Marina, M.L., Ramautar, R., Peters, D.J.M., Mayboroda, O.
Sci Rep, 9, 2019, 806-814
Sánchez-López, E., Happé, H., Steenvoorden, E., Crego, A.L., Marina, M.L., Peters, D.J.M., Mayboroda, O.
Mol BioSyst 13, 2017, 1940-1945
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