PhD candidate
Unraveling mucin type O-glycosylation signatures of colorectal cancer
Katarina Madunić was born on the 29th of March 1989 in Split, Croatia. She joined in 2012 an integrated 5year master program in Pharmacy from Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicinal Biochemistry, University of Zagreb, Croatia. She was immediately determined to do her thesis project about glycosylation and in 2011 she joined Genos Ltd as a master thesis intern. She worked on the optimization of a high throughput HILIC analysis of fluorescently labelled N-glycans isolated from human leukocytes under supervision of dr. Irma Mahmuljin (Redžić) and Gordan Lauc. After graduation in 2012 she worked in a pharmacy and later she joined a clinical research organization to work as a clinical research associate (2015). There she realized that science is her biggest passion, and finally in 2016 she got the opportunity to start her PhD project at the Center for Proteomics and Metabolomics, Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands. In this project she worked on exploring glycosylation signatures of colorectal cancer using PGC-nano-LC-MS/MS under the supervision of prof. Manfred Wuhrer and dr. Guinevere Lageveen- Kammeijer. As part of the Marie Curie European Training Network, “GlycoCan”, she visited 3 different research laboratories, the group of prof. Daniel Kolarich at Max Planck Institute for colloids and interfaces in Berlin, Germany, the group of prof. Niclas Karlsson at Sahlgrenska Academy in Gothenburg, Sweden, as well as the industrial collaborator Ludger Ltd in Oxfordshire, UK. During her PhD she received extensive interdisciplinary scientific and soft skills training. She presented her research on many international conferences and the results of her work and collaborations were published in peer-reviewed journals resulting in 3 first author and 8 co-author publications.
Madunić, K., Zhang, T., Mayboroda, O.A., Holst, S., Stavenhagen, K., Jin, C., Karlsson, N.G., Lageveen-Kammeijer, G.S. and Wuhrer, M
(2021) Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 78(1), pp.337-350.
Zhang, T., Madunić, K., Holst, S., Zhang, J., Jin, C., Ten Dijke, P., Karlsson, N.G., Stavenhagen, K. and Wuhrer, M., 2020
(2020) Molecular omics, 16(4), pp.355-363.
Madunić, K., Wagt, S., Zhang, T., Wuhrer, M. and Lageveen-Kammeijer, G.S., 2021
(2021) Analytical chemistry, 93(18), pp.6919-6923.
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