PhD Guusje van Schaick

Project manager


Nowadays, therapeutic proteins and industrial enzymes are extensively used in the health care as medicine and in the food industry to improve food properties. To ensure their quality and functionality, in-depth characterization is key. This is often challenging since these proteins often consist of a heterogeneous population of proteoforms due to various posttranslational modifications (PTMs). While some PTMs may be crucial for the bioactivity, other modifications can have a negative impact on their functionality. Therefore, in addition to structural characterization of these proteoforms, the bioactivity should also be monitored. My PhD project focuses on the development of strategies to resolve proteoforms, while maintaining their functional integrity permitting parallel structural and functional characterization. For this purpose, native separation techniques in combination with mass spectrometry and activity assays are employed.



  • Anion Exchange Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry for Monitoring Multiple Quality Attributes of Erythropoietin Biopharmaceuticals

    G. van Schaick, C. Gstöttner, A. Büttner, D. Reusch, M. Wuhrer and E. Domínguez-Vega

    Native structural and functional proteoform characterization of the prolyl-alanyl-specific endoprotease EndoPro from Aspergillus niger

  • Native structural and functional proteoform characterization of the prolyl-alanyl-specific endoprotease EndoPro from Aspergillus niger

    G. van Schaick, E. Domínguez-Vega, C. Gstöttner, J.H. van den Berg-Verleg, O. Schouten, M. Akeroyd, M.M.A. Olsthoorn, M. Wuhrer, A.J.R. Heck, N. Abello, V. Franc

    J. Proteome Res. 2021 Vol. 20 Issue 10 Pages 4875–4885

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