EU Mission on Cancer Grant for Spatial Omics in Lung Cancer Research

Researchers at the Center for Proteomics and Metabolomics (CPM) have been awarded €381,042 to map the molecular composition of lung cancer tissue. This research is part of the EU Mission on Cancer SPACETIME project, led by Amsterdam UMC and involving 15 partners from 7 countries, aimed at studying the microenvironment of lung cancer cells and improving lung cancer treatment. At CPM, the latest advancements in mass spectrometry imaging will be used to study the metabolome, lipidome, and glycome of lung cancer. The CPM SPACETIME team includes dr. Noortje de Haan, dr. Nina Ogrinc, dr. Elena Sánchez López, and Rick Ursem.

EU Mission on Cancer Grant for Spatial Omics in Lung Cancer Research

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