Project manager

Within my current position as Project Manager at the Center for Proteomics and Metabolomics (CPM), my main tasks are project management of granted proposals (e.g. Horizon Europe, ZonMW, NWO), and CPM contact person for external partner agreements. In addition I am ISO9001 coordinator, document manager, and guide CPM grant applications. Furthermore I am coordinator of the CPM secretariat.
Additional tasks/skills:
- LEAN yellow belt
- Internal auditor LUMC
Suzanne is Project manager at the CPM of the Leiden University medical Center (LUMC). She studied Higher laboratory Education (Bachelor of applied Sciences) at Hogeschool Leiden, and Animal Biology (Master) at Leiden University. During her studies she followed the Ecocorps Summer Internship Programme of the Cetacean Research and Rescue Unit in Schotland, and organized the European Cetacean Society conference 2008 in the Netherlands. During and in between her studies Suzanne worked as research assistant (Integrative Zoology, Institute of Biology Leiden), animal caretaker (ZF Screens), and teaching assistant (Leiden University). With her biomedical background, Suzanne worked as researcher at the Amsterdam Medical Center on Pelvic Floor development and ageing. In 2018, Suzanne obtained her PhD within the LUMC at the CPM, after which she got the opportunity to start as project Manager. In her spare time, Suzanne volunteers the Dorsal Fin Foundation by participating in studies on Harbour Porpoises in the Dutch coastal waters.
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